Sunday, June 12, 2011

The secret weapon of marketing war (1/3)


In the book – Marketing Warfare (by Al Ries and Jack Trout, 1986) - we were taught that marketing is a war and that philosophy of customer-centrism is not appropriate - otherwise - the company that dominates the market simply would be the one, that performed the best market research. Authors rather suggest firms to switch to competitor-centrism and apply military strategies to business scenarios, with competing firms projected as sides in a military conflict and market share projected as a territory which is being fought over. Ries and Trout discuss four strategies for fighting the marketing war:

  • defensive
  • offensive
  • flanking
  • guerrilla

A firm's market share relative to that of competitors' determines which strategy is appropriate. It is argued that in matured, low-growth markets, business operates as a zero-sum game, where one player's gain is possible only at another player’s expense. Success depends on fighting competitors for market share.

So although it might not be obvious at the first sight, war is among us. War with real battles, campaigns, styles & strategies, commanders, soldiers and weapons. War in which nearly everybody (as consumer) is involved. War, that takes place in our very minds.
In the upcoming two parts, I would like to demonstrate on a real-world data, how the text analytics can help you or your company  to achieve victories. For the purpose of the following demo, articles of portals covering news and stories related to mobile phones are used to reveal status of marketing battles in this interesting market segment of Slovakia.

You can continue reading the next part, called Battlefield: Slovakia.

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